Welcome to the Indiana Oil & Gas Association Political Action Center!
America works best when Americans vote. But the percentage of eligible voters who cast their ballots continues to decline election after election. According to a study by Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism, 23 million Americans contacted an elected official over a two year period, but didn't bother to go vote! We think something needs to be done.
To that end, we have created the non-partisan Indiana Oil & Gas Action Center website. These pages are designed to give you the information and tools you need to make it to the polls and cast an informed vote. We've included voter registration and absentee ballot information and forms for every state in the union, and the District of Columbia. We've included tools to locate and contact your elected officials. And, as candidates file for office and votes that matter are cast we'll present candidate guides and voting records.
Throughout these pages we present information to assist you in casting your vote and becoming more involved in the electoral process. But we don't - and won't - tell you how to vote. That decision is up to you.